Welcome back to the lesson series that teaches the 7 Fatal Flaws that can stand between you and owning your own home.
In the last lesson we covered the very important topic of knowing your present location before you begin the journey to home ownership. Part of this process is knowing your own personal credit score. If you didn’t have time to read the previous lesson or you just don’t know where to get your credit score, you can get it here or here, and this cool credit repair right here.
For many people, learning their credit score is a scary thing. They’ve heard how important that scary number is, especially in regard to making a home purchase.
But don’t let that fear stop you from finding out where you stand! Take that 1st step and learn your score. The sooner you know where you stand credit-wise, the faster you will move on down the road toward your goal of home ownership.
We previously mentioned it is NOT necessary to qualify for a mortgage today in order to move into your own new home.
However, even though this is true, you want to make sure you WILL be able to qualify within the next year or so. And with a little work and discipline on your part, you will soon see it is possible. This is an attainable goal.
If your credit is bruised, that’s fine. As you move through these lessons you will soon learn that
1. You’re not alone, and
2. There is a solution to this problem. (That solution will be revealed in an upcoming lesson.)
You are to be commended for taking the initiative to change your life! So many people miss the boat on their dreams because they never take the initiative to do a little bit of work to get what they want.
Just a few EASY steps and you will be moving into your new home very soon! Even now, you’re closer than you might think.
Step 1: Know where you now stand in regards to your personal credit score. GET SCORE HERE and HERE. Repair your credit fast HERE
Step 2: Create a list of what you are looking for. We’d like to know the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, location, amount you can afford for the purchase and what type of monthly payment you can afford.
Step 3: Put together the down payment. Don’t let this one scare you- It’s easier than you think. These lessons will show you several ways to get money for a down payment. Actually, the government may even get you in your new home.
Step 4: Start looking! While you are starting on the previous three steps, it’s always fun to start the search of your new home. In a later lesson you will learn several ways to do this.
(One of the ways is that you may be able to buy a cheap repossession in very nice shape – one that fits your needs.)
Step 5: Paperwork. Once you’ve found your new home you’ll need to do the paperwork. Start to learn the basics about the needed paperwork so you will know what to expect and how to protect yourself when buying your dream home.
Step 6: Close on your Dream Home and then…
Step 7: Move In! This is an exciting day! When this happens, we’ll send you something special so be ready.
But, you must first complete Step #1: STEP 1 HERE or HERE
We’ll be in touch in the next couple of days.
I’m excited for you!
Talk soon,
PS: If you are ready to go now and have the first four steps in place, let us know by sending an email through “Contact Us” if you have not done so already. Make sure to include these following 5 things.
1. Desired location
2. How much you have to put down
3. How much of a home you are looking at (Purchase Price)
4. How quickly you are looking at moving
5. Your phone number so we can get in touch with you quickly
PS: Your next lesson is available right here.